The Purpose of Your Existence

We systematize everything. It is all strategy and optimization and return on investment paired with a constant uneasy feeling that something could have been done better, or someone else is out there doing it better, or you could have given more, sacrificed more, been more.

And that’s the problem. We’re too busy doing that we can’t just be. But please, spend your life existing and not doing.

Everything about you and your existence is miraculous. Go ahead, take some time right now to give intentional thought to all of the things that exist the way they do so that you can exist the way you do. Go down into the minutiae of the cell and all the way back out to the order of the universe. Go wherever God takes you, and marvel.

You are not an accident. You are a miracle. And that’s just looking at the fact that you exist.

Far above and beyond your existence, however, is the purpose you exist:

You exist to be loved by God.

He spoke into nothing and created light. The light was and is necessary to make God’s creative works visible and life possible. It was only after light was created that everything else came into resplendent being.

Light is so important to reality that it had to be reintroduced into a world darkened by evil. It was reintroduced by the Light himself incarnating into the dust and grit of life. And then it was given to us by God himself as he called us The Light of the World.

What does his light illuminate? Tracing every now-visible act of his hand and expression of his heart and exertion of his will back to their source, we see that his light ultimately and always illuminates his love.

Because of love God created. Because of love God sustains all things. Because of love God gives himself to us, illuminating for us himself, ourselves, and the world around us in the process.

Because of Love you exist.

Do not be fooled by darkness, which promises fulfillment, but neither be fooled by well-intentioned followers of Jesus who, in their attempts to live in the light, become infatuated with darkness instead. Unfounded and constant claims of power and victory, incessant handling of wounds to discover their origin and psychoanalyze their attributes, and futile attempts to ignore the implications and effects of darkness (with one eye always on the dark, lest it overtake them) only serve to bind us more and more completely to the darkness.

Instead, choose light. Over and over again, in the expanse of joy and the delicate salt of tears, choose light. This leads ultimately to your decision to be loved.

Be loved. It is resolved reality, you are loved. It is daily choice, you receive love. It is identification with our true identity, I am Beloved.

Apart from Love, nothing eternal exists. Choose love and trace its path back to its origin, you will always find the divine.

Be Beloved, and you become divinity wrapped in flesh, God’s original intention when he blew warm breath into dust.