Unlocking Heaven by Giving Up On Yourself

“Got any storms in your life? Stop fighting the storm and worrying about it; instead, fall on your knees and admit you need Mighty Warrior to save you. He waits every day for you to come to the end of yourself and start depending on Him.” - 50 Days of Knowing Him

I am constantly depending on myself. It’s pervasive, in everything I do, everything I say. And I can call out the ineffectiveness of this in other people, see with great clarity how their efforts have not gotten them what they want, have led them to destruction and despair at worst, or a half-life at best. I do it too, I just depend on myself “in the name of Jesus.”

No wonder I am so hard on myself. No wonder it is so easy for me to have standards I do not meet, and then feel anxiety when I don’t meet them. Because Jesus saved me, but now it’s my turn to work. It’s my turn to get better. I have to complete what Jesus started every day, or at least prove that I was worth His sacrifice. That is in direct opposition to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

All of my efforts are dirty rags before Him, including my efforts after I’ve been saved, MY efforts in HIS name. I was utterly dead in my sin, bound for eternal separation from God. I contributed nothing to my salvation. It was a free and lavish gift.

And in exchange for my ugly and shameful sin, God gave me eternal life and every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. He gave me full access to Himself and His friendship, as well as full access to His resources. But if I don’t think I need them, I’m not going to ask for them. If I’m not going to ask for them, then I am not going to experience them. And if I am not experiencing them, I’m going to wonder what is wrong with me or with Christianity, because it promises on every page of scripture to be more than a fledgling and weak faith.

So, what does it take to live the good life, the fullness of life that Jesus has promised us? Giving up on yourself and asking for help. Total and utter dependence on God’s power and resources in every situation, every moment of your life. Getting really freaking good at saying, “God help me.” Thinking less of your abilities and efforts and ascribing limitless potential to God’s ability worked through your life.